Detroit Diesel DT 4-71 Non Turbo Engine Complete Running Core 4 Cyl Diesel ESN: 4A147548 MDN: RA* 40550 BCN: 5111433 HCN: 5117439 Industrial Engine features: 2-valve cylinder head, D.W-L.S. governor and SAE #1 Bell house. Engine configuration (from flywheel): Exhaust on right, blower, starter and governor on left with right hand rotation. Test ran 3-5-20: Running core with 50-55 psi oil pressure. Starts and runs ok. Has some smoke but less when warm. Has a subtle lower end noise, goes away mid to upper idle. See it run on video!! Overhaul kits available. Fuel filter broken, does not include starter, exhaust manifold has a crack.